
Thursday, July 3, 2008

Interview Just Before the London Premiere

Young British actor William Moseley talks to Roya Nikkhah about his final Narnia film and hanging out with Lindsay Lohan

"Don’t you ever get tired of being treated like a kid?" demands Peter Pevensie of his three younger siblings, picking himself up off the floor after a vicious scrap with hostile school mates.

The opening scene of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, has a particular personal resonance for the actor William Moseley, who this month reprises the role of Peter in the latest film adaptation of C.S. Lewis’s beloved literary classics. In the new film, released here next week, Peter’s punch-up follows his struggle to adjust normality after a taste of the high life as King of Narnia. Not so long ago, Moseley found himself in a similar spat, coming to blows with fellow pupils after returning to school straight from the film set of one of the most successful film franchises of all time.

Moseley looks sheepish as he recalls the incident. "I didn’t have the easiest time at school," he shrugs. "People didn’t like the fact that I was away a lot auditioning for and then playing the part - they thought I was arrogant and up myself for believing that I might just get it. Every time I went back to school, it got worse.

"It all exploded at my leavers ball when I ended up getting into a huge fight with another boy, and I really punched him. Everyone was uptight about me coming back, and I had a lot of energy in me and it was just unleashed. I knew I couldn’t leave school without doing something stupid, but I wished I’d been more controlled. I didn’t behave like a gentleman at all, I behaved like a savage."

Like the character he plays in the Narnia films, Moseley, 21, has done much of his growing up on screen. Cast for the role of Peter Pevensie at 15, he was very much a young boy in the first film, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, but appears on the brink of manhood as a 17-year-old Peter in Prince Caspian.

It is a transition Moseley is aware of: "When Peter steps through the wardrobe, he’s a boy. But when he steps back out of the wardrobe, as the story finishes, he’s a man," says Moseley, who is still both the boy who keeps a toy badger on his bed, but a gentleman who insists on paying for lunch. "I like to think I also became a man throughout the making of this film."

Hollywood certainly thinks so. Vanity Fair has hailed him as Britain’s hottest new leading man and scripts have flooded from directors eager to snap him up for star roles. Catching his breath at home in Gloucestershire where he has a few days off from the worldwide promotional tour for the new film, Moseley reflects on the whirlwind six years that has seen him picked from obscurity and catapulted into the Hollywood heart-throb league

"It’s mad, sometimes I think I have dreamt it all," says Moseley, who grew up listening to the Narnia audio tapes from the age of seven. "But I was always a total show off," he says. "So I did all the school plays, and auditioned for literally everything", including the role of Harry Potter, a role from which he feels he had "a really lucky escape".

"Phew can you imagine? I mean, once you’ve played Harry Potter, that’s it for an actor."

First spotted by the casting director, Pippa Hall, as she scouted for a television adaptation of Laurie Lee’s memoirs Cider with Rosie (in Moseley was cast as an extra), Hall remembered the young Moseley several years later when casting for the Narnia films, and asked him to audition for the lead role of Peter.

After 18 months of auditions - Moseley even quit school to dedicate all his efforts into learning his lines - he beat 3,000 other boys to bag the role.

"I nearly blacked out when they called to tell me," he says. "I was shaking, crying, totally freaked out, because I knew everything was about to change forever." Change it did, with Moseley spending much of the next four years wielding a sword on horseback and filming huge battle-scenes in New Zealand and the Czech Republic.

A huge success at the box office - The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe made £400 million at the box-office making it one of the biggest grossing films of all time - Prince Caspian looks set to eclipse that success, making £30 million in its opening weekend in America last month.

Even though his face is now plastered across billboards around the world, with hundreds of websites dedicated to how "hot" he is, and 10,000 fans expected at this week’s London premiere of Prince Caspian at the O2 Arena, Moseley finds the all the adulation "just a little bit odd".

"It is very strange turning up and hundreds, sometimes thousands of people screaming your name," he muses. "And then you go back to the hotel room on your own, have a cup of tea and you kind of think - why were they here? What have I done to deserve it?"

While admitting that he has been mobbed by ardent female fans, Moseley says he goes unnoticed most of the time - and that, he insists as nobody bats an eyelid while he orders a bacon sandwich from his local pub, is the way he likes it. "It’s not like I walk round with a sword, a shield and giant lion strapped to my back," he laughs.

And has the adulation brought forth a leading lady for Moseley? "There is a special someone at the moment," he says, jokingly adopting an American accent, "but I can’t talk about it". Further enquiries reveal his girlfriend is currently an assistant with the celebrity photographer, Mario Testino, but Moseley is saying no more.

Home is a 400-year-old bake house in the sleepy village of Sheepscombe, where his parents, Peter and Julie, and his younger siblings, Ben and Daisy, "keep me on the earth rather than in the sky". He has, however, recently dipped his toe into the heady world of Hollywood, moving to Los Angeles for a few months last year to take acting classes, auditions, and "hang out in the sunshine".

So was he seduced by the bright lights and obvious temptations on offer for a young actor living in tinsel town? "To be honest, Los Angeles is a strange old place and it can be very lonely," he says, stroking Bam Bam, the family cat, who has climbed up onto his lap. "I’m not surprised so many young actors go off the rails out there - they are probably bored out of their minds because there’s nothing do to but party - or work. But when you go to Hollywood, you make a choice. Either you go out shopping to Gucci and Prada and get yourself photographed or you don’t.

"You can hang out at the hippest bar, smile for the cameras and then get free drinks all night, or you don’t. I choose not to. It might sound nerdy, but I’m all about the work. In fact, it kind of disgusts me, all those actors who do the schmoozing thing just to be "seen". They are just a load of kids in Gucci dancing round like morons. I’d rather mow the lawn, to be honest."

Hanging with Lindsay Lohan - the "troubled" Hollywood starlet best known for her partying, trips to rehab and scrapes with the law than her acting skills, gave him all the insight he needed to convince him to make London his next permanent base. "We were talking, then we said goodbye and suddenly there were like, hundreds of people and photographers chasing her down the road," he says, eyes widening in amazement. "It was crazy. But then she’s driving her Cadillac, so it’s not like she’s invisible. It’s not what I would want. I couldn’t do it even if I wanted to. My hair’s always a mess and I’m always wearing the wrong thing," he says, gesturing to his artfully arranged hairdo and trendy outfit of black skinny jeans and cashmere cardigan.

But just a little bit of Hollywood has rubbed off on Moseley, who now wears Dolce & Gabbana, flies first class and slips into an American lilt when he tells me he is "twenny one".

Prince Caspian will be his last Narnia film - the older Pevenise siblings, Peter and Susan, don’t appear in the next book, but Moseley has another blockbuster in the bag. Next up is Iron Clad, a medieval swashbuckler set amidst the political turmoil of the Magna Carta, where Moseley will star alongside Lord Attenborough, Bob Hoskins and James Purefoy.

Despite his status as the leading man in what will likely be the biggest film of the year, Moseley still feels humbled by the company he will keep in his next role. "I’m incredibly nervous about just meeting those actors, and I hope I do the best job I possibly can," he says seriously. "I mean, Hoskins and Attenborough - those are true legends. Compared to them, I’m just a kid."


Related Blog:
William Moseley After Narnia
(follow up on William's role in "Iron Clad")

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The Many Versions of Love Stories 1. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, kiss and marry. They live happily ever after. 2. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, kiss and marry. The marriage sours, they part, and live happily ever after. 3. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, kiss and marry. Then boy finds out it's more fun to be girl... or girl finds out it's more fun to be boy, they part, change sexes and live happily ever after. 4.Finally, boy or girl meets God. It's love at first sight... The roads went rough, the tides rose high, the strong winds blew and the quake shook the ground... but they truly live happily ever after, forever and ever. 5. Try God's love... it's always happy forever after, and the story never ends. :-D